Subscriptions for 2024/2025
4th June 2024

Annual Subscriptions
The following rates for the oncoming season were agreed by the Executive Committee.
The Membership year runs from 1st June, 2024 to 31st May, 2025.
Senior Rugby:
£150 pa
£150 pa
£60 pa for Students, Colts or Unemployed Players.
(Refundable after 10 Senior rugby games played)
Ladies Senior Rugby
Ladies Senior Rugby
£60 pa (Refundable after 10 Senior rugby games played)
Juniors Rugby:
£150 pa 1st player
£150 pa 1st player
£50 pa 2nd sibling
£25 pa 3rd and subsequent siblings
Minis Rugby:
£150 pa 1st player
£150 pa 1st player
£50 pa 2nd sibling
£25 pa 3rd and subsequent siblings
Girls Rugby:
£150 pa 1st player
£150 pa 1st player
£50 pa 2nd sibling
£25 pa 3rd and subsequent siblings
VETs Rugby:
£10 per game
£10 per game
£180 pa or
£180 pa or
3 payments of £60 in June, July and August
Hon. Life Vice Presidents:
Donation of a recommended amount of £150 or more
Donation of a recommended amount of £150 or more
Hon. Vice Presidents:
Donation of a recommended amount of £150 or more
Donation of a recommended amount of £150 or more
Social members: £60 pa
Discounts Available:
With effect from the financial year 1st June 2024 to 31st May 2025, the following discounts may apply:
1. Members who join the club mid-season (e.g. after Christmas) may be eligible for a discount to be determined by the Director of Rugby.
2. Members who decide to revoke their membership by 1st September may be entitled to a full refund.
3. Juniors, Minis and Girls players may qualify for the 2nd sibling rate (£50) if they have a parent who has already paid a full subscription.
4. VETs players who have already paid a full subscription or have made a VP donation are exempt from the £10 match fee.
5. Students and Colts players who have already paid a full subscription of £60 will be entitled to a full refund after having played 10 games for senior rugby.
Payment should be made to 'Grasshoppers Rugby Football Sports and Social Club', Sort Code 20-42-73, Account No. 50422045, Reference '2024-25 M Fees'.