Subscriptions for 2024/2025

4th June 2024

Subscriptions for 2024/2025
Please click on the link below for full details:

Annual Subscriptions

The following rates for the oncoming season were agreed by the Executive Committee.

The Membership year runs from 1st June, 2024 to 31st May, 2025.

Senior Rugby:
£150 pa
£60 pa for Students, Colts or Unemployed Players.
(Refundable after 10 Senior rugby games played)

Ladies Senior Rugby
£60 pa  (Refundable after 10 Senior rugby games played)

Juniors Rugby:
£150 pa 1st player
£50 pa 2nd sibling
£25 pa 3rd and subsequent siblings

Minis Rugby:
£150 pa 1st player
£50 pa 2nd sibling
£25 pa 3rd and subsequent siblings

Girls Rugby:
£150 pa 1st player
£50 pa 2nd sibling
£25 pa 3rd and subsequent siblings

VETs Rugby:
£10 per game

£180 pa or
3 payments of £60 in June, July and August

Hon. Life Vice Presidents:
Donation of a recommended amount of £150 or more

Hon. Vice Presidents:
Donation of a recommended amount of £150 or more

Social members: £60 pa

Discounts Available:
With effect from the financial year 1st June 2024 to 31st May 2025, the following discounts may apply:

1. Members who join the club mid-season (e.g. after Christmas) may be eligible for a discount to be determined by the Director of Rugby.

2. Members who decide to revoke their membership by 1st September may be entitled to a full refund.

3. Juniors, Minis and Girls players may qualify for the 2nd sibling rate (£50) if they have a parent who has already paid a full subscription.

VETs players who have already paid a full subscription or have made a VP donation are exempt from the £10 match fee.

Students and Colts players who have already paid a full subscription of £60 will be entitled to a full refund after having played 10 games for senior rugby.

Payment should be made to 'Grasshoppers Rugby Football Sports and Social Club', Sort Code 20-42-73, Account No. 50422045, Reference '2024-25 M Fees'. 

RFU Accredited Club